All Collections
Activity Items
Notes, Tasks, Conversations, Projects, and Docs.
NotesDocument important notes and ongoings for your accounts
TasksVitally can be used as a powerful task management system for helping guide day-to-day priorities for your team.
ConversationsView and start conversations with your accounts directly within Vitally
ProjectsManage your customer projects where you manage your customers.
DocsA dedicated workspace to gather and share information.
Categories & TagsCategories and Tags help you organize your activity items in Vitally, and give you some power alongside account views & playbook automations
MeetingsSync Google Calendar events to Vitally as an activity object.
Docs Troubleshooting Guides
Troubleshooting steps to tackle Doc errors
Missing Doc Templates When Creating Docs in VitallyUsers can not see some Doc templates when creating a doc.
Conversation Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting steps to tackle common Conversation issues
I'm getting a Conversation Template ErrorTroubleshooting steps to resolve your template error
Conversations displaying on the wrong accountsTroubleshooting steps to find out why your conversations display across the wrong accounts.
Manually created conversations fail to sendTroubleshooting steps to address why your conversation is failing to send
Automatic BCC Including Additional Recipients in Vitally EmailsEmails sent through Vitally automatically copy additional team members due to a configured BCC address.
There's missing email(s) in VitallyLearn why emails might not sync to Vitally’s Active Conversations and how to resolve such issues.