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Vitally can be used as a powerful task management system for helping guide day-to-day priorities for your team.

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 5 months ago

Tasks Overview

Vitally's task management system functions like a daily and upcoming to-do list for your team and individual CSMs. Tasks can be created manually or auto-generated via our automated Playbooks, creating a powerful system of proactively helping direct CSMs to what they should pay attention to.

How to Create Tasks

Tasks can be created in three ways:

  1. Manually

  2. Automatically via Playbooks

  3. Or synced in via some integrations such as Salesforce or HubSpot for example

How To

How To Visual

For (1), you can manually create new Tasks in two different ways:

  1. Global Create Button: On the bottom left of your screen

    1. Select the +Create a New

    2. Select Create Task

    3. Name your task

    4. Select whether this is a Team Task or for an Account or Organization

    5. Select who assign this task to

    6. Continue to add additional details such as:

      1. Due date

      2. Category (how to create categories)

      3. Tags (how to create tags)

      4. Blocked by - is this task blocked by another task that should be completed first

      5. Blocking - is this task going to block the completion of another task

      6. Add to a Project

      7. Add Attachments

      8. Add any Task Traits

      9. Add your Description

    7. Select Create Task on the bottom right

  2. You can also create Tasks while in an Account Or Organization

    1. When in an Account or Organization, navigate to Tasks on the left

    2. Select Create New

    3. Follow all the steps from above to add assignee, due date, category, tags, description etc.

    4. Select Create Task on the bottom right

For (2), take a look at our Playbooks set up guide; once you determine the triggers for your playbook you can automate task creation by using the "Create a Task" action

  1. Set up your playbook triggers

  2. Select the plus sign in the circle to see all available actions

  3. Select Create a Task

  4. Add in all necessary details for your task

  5. The assignee will get a notification (email & in-app) when they've been assigned the task

Lastly, for (3) check out our integrations to sync in Tasks. Integrations that support Tasks are:

  1. Salesforce

    • Existing Open Activities of Salesforce can be configured to sync to Vitally. Likewise, any Tasks created via (1) or (2) can be pushed to Salesforce. Completing a task in either Vitally or Salesforce will also complete the task in the other, preventing any accidents or lack of clarity on whether a Task was done in one system or another. Read our Salesforce docs for more info.

  2. Hubspot

    1. Sync your Hubspot Tasks into Vitally and push Vitally's Tasks back to Hubspot. Likewise, any Tasks created via (1) or (2) can be pushed to Husbpot. Completing a task in either Vitally or Hubspot will also complete the task in the other, preventing any accidents or lack of clarity on whether a Task was done in one system or another. Read our Hubspot docs for more info. We do not sync in historical Tasks from Hubspot; only new tasks going forward.

Notifications: We send out notifications when a task is assigned, not when it’s due. We also don’t send notifications for things you did yourself, ie. we create a notification when a teammate assigns a task to you, but not when you assign one to yourself.

If you want to be reminded when tasks are due, the daily summary email includes upcoming due tasks.

Tasks Categories, Tags, & Status

When writing a task, you have a handful of options to ensure your team's tasks are organized. This helps in creating views and easily finding the right tasks you're looking for.

  • Category - A task can belong to a single category. These are often used to log the 'type' of communication that's occurred - e.g. note, call, onsite, etc.

  • Tags - You can add any number of tags to your tasks. Think about task tags as another layer of organization. So if you have a category of 'Follow Up' you can add a tag of 'Call' to indicate it was a phone call and not via email for example.

  • Status - Define statuses for your Tasks and more closely tie project status to the status of tasks!

Task Categories

You have full control over what your team can select for categories! Creating categories allows you and your team to stay organized, create views filtering by specific category.

How To

How To Visual

How to create a Task Category:

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Vitally Objects select Tasks

  2. Then select Categories (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j)

  3. Select Task Categories

  4. Select Create New

  5. Name your category

  6. To add emojis, you'll need to use an emoji keyboard (FN for mac)

To apply the category, just select the category while you're creating or editing your Tasks!

Task Tags

How To

How To Visual

How to create a Task Tag:

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Vitally Objects select Tasks

  2. Then select Tags (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j)

  3. Select Task Tags

  4. Select Create New

  5. Name your tag

  6. To add emojis, you'll need to use an emoji keyboard (FN for mac)

Task Status

Task statuses allow you to move tasks across multiple states directly from a board and in other parts of the platform. This also allows you to closely tie project status to the status of tasks within the project!

  • Set the default status for when a task is created

  • Set the default status for when a task is completed

  • Changing the name/color of the status

How To

How To Visual

How to create a Task Status

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Vitally Objects select Tasks

  2. Then select Statuses (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j)

  3. Here you can:

    1. Create a new status

    2. Edit a status:

      1. Edit the Name

      2. Edit the Type

      3. Edit the Color

      4. Check or uncheck whether it's a default status

    3. Delete Statuses

When a task is created it will immediately be put into the “Not started” status and when it’s marked as complete it will be put in the “completed” status. Task statuses can not be updated via automation (i.e playbooks). To update a task status you can do so:

  • From the task slide-out

  • Dragging and dropping a task card from a board view

Viewing & Managing Tasks

There's a number of ways you can view Tasks:

In a Table View, by default you'll see all Incomplete (aka active) Tasks, regardless of who they are assigned to. If you wish to narrow down to a subset of Tasks, you can use the Filter Panel on the right hand side, where you can filter by Task Filters or Account Filters - don't forget to Save Changes on the top right!

Tasks Supported Functionality

While in a Task you can:

  • @ mentioning a teammate: we'll send them an in-app, email, and Slack notification (if they have each enabled).

  • Text formatting: bold, italic, underline, hyperlink text

  • Assign tasks to Customers: Assign a task to a customer within a Doc

  • Variables: add Account or Organization data

  • Commands: add Headings, bullets, uploads images and files, embed a task, and online media

Task FAQ

Q: What is duration mean in Tasks?

A: The duration is the difference between when the task was completed and when it was created.

Q: Can Tasks can assigned to a User?

A: No, Tasks can only be assigned to an Account. Tasks assigned to Users is not currently supported.

Q: Why can inactive users be assigned tasks?

A: “Inactive” users include deactivated and auto-created users (Auto created users are from your SSO provider). This ensures that tasks have a link to their owners once logged into Vitally.

Q: Can you set the status other than completed or incomplete in bulk for tasks?

A: Currently, you can only bulk update to complete or incomplete

Q: If you move a project to Inactive, will all the Incomplete tasks within that project be changed to Inactive to?

A: Marking a Project as one of the inactive statuses does not mark the tasks as such, they will remain as complete or incomplete.

Q: Can I view team tasks in a table view or a dashboard?

A: At this time you can only view team tasks under "My Tasks" on the top left of your account. This will show team tasks assigned to you.

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