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Sync Google Calendar events to Vitally as an activity object.

Ray avatar
Written by Ray
Updated over 3 months ago

View Meetings

You can view Meetings in a few different places like Table Views, Dashboards, User 360, Account 360 , Organization 360, and Boards.

Viewing Meetings

Views Visuals

Table View

Create a Table View with all your meetings and add any filters to narrow down what type of Meetings you want to view.


Create a Dashboard to report on meetings. Add filters to narrow down your reporting data such as MRR/ARR or segmentation (segments).

User, Account, and Org 360

View all meetings for a particular User, Account, or Organization in their 360 profile under Meetings.

Meetings Supported Functionality

Other than creating views, you have a few other supported functionality in Meetings such as:

  • Create a Table View or Dashboards of Meetings or will Meeting data

  • View the Meeting Object in a User, Account, or Organization 360

  • Creating Formula Traits (ie. account, org, user traits calculated from associated meetings)

  • Ability to add Custom Traits to the Meeting object

  • Use Meetings in Health scores and Indicators, and standardize workflows around Meetings as well as track CSM activity.

  • Taking a Note directly from the meeting (You can create/see a note from a meeting, but cannot access the meeting from the note)

Meetings FAQ

Q: Are Meetings a 2-way sync?

A: Meetings are a 1 way sync so any edits done in Vitally will not sync back to your Google Calendar.

Q: Will recurring meetings sync in?

A: Yes recurring meeting will sync into Vitally. Any edits to the recurring meeting must be made in GCal, those will sync in, too.

Q: How will internal meetings be treated or sync in?

A: We won't sync internal meetings since the integration hinges on finding a vitally customer's email in the meeting.

Q: I deleted a meeting from Vitally by accident, how do I re-sync the data?

A: You cannot “un-delete” a meeting. While this will not delete the meeting in Google, it is permanently deleted within Vitally.

Q: Can I import historical Calendar Events?

A: Currently we can only import up to 2 weeks in the past in the initial sync then we will sync all future meetings.

Q: Can I update Meetings or Meeting Traits via the REST API?

A: This is not available at the moment. If this is something your team needs, we’d love to hear from you! Please share your feedback with us at

Q: How do Meetings track two users from the same company?
A: It defaults to the Organizer email.

Q: How can I check if my Google Calendar is connected to Vitally?
A: Go to My Profile > Email & Calendar settings, select Google, and check if your account is connected.

Q: How can Admins view which users have their Google Calendars connected?
A: Admins can view a full list of connected users by navigating to Settings > Integrations > Google.

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