Notes Overview
Notes help you document the ongoings at an account, and Vitally's flexible Notes feature helps you ensure your team documents all calls, meetings, on-site, and more that happen with your customers.
Notes Templates
Note templates allow you to create a standard to Customer Success process when creating Notes. Streamlining the documentation process for customer calls, meetings, or any other type of note allows you and your team to be efficient.
Creating a Note Template
How To | How To Visual |
How to create a Note Template:
How to Create a Note
How To | How To Visual |
To leave a note for an account in Vitally, either:
Within an Account/Org
*Note drafts are saved until you select Create Note on the bottom right. If you have not selected Create Note and then, for example, you navigate to another Account and type a new note, that draft will no longer be saved. Notes or drafts are irrecoverable. |
To create a note using a template:
Remember to add participants to your notes so you can find the note within the User otherwise you will only find the note in the Account!
Supported Note Functionality
You can @ mention teams, use commands such as; embedding tasks, online media, files, imagines, etc, change formatting like bolding or italicizing text, add data as variables, and adding note traits!
@ mention
@ mention
Want to get a specific teammate's attention? Simply @ mention them, and we'll send them an in-app, email, and Slack notification (if they have each enabled).
Adding traits via the + Add trait option on the Note only displays Account and Organization traits. If you wish to select a trait from another source (e.g. Custom Object on an Account-level), then this can be achieved by rolling-up the value using a Formula Trait.
Using the command /
Select from the dropdown that appears
Heading 1, 2, 3
Number or Bullet List
Embed Image
Embed File
Embed Task
Type out your task
Press Enter to add another
Press Enter twice to get out of Tasks
Embed Online Media
Embedded Tasks will be automatically assigned to the note creator, not the template creator.
Note Traits
Note Traits
First you want to create your Note Traits. Note traits work just as custom traits but are specific to Notes so you can add these traits to your notes and be filled out by your team.
To create a note trait:
Navigate to your Account logo on the top left and select Settings
Navigate to Traits under Data Management
Scroll down and select Note Traits
Select Create Custom Trait
Add the name, type, and any description
Select Create Custom Trait
Notes Categories and Tags
When writing a note, you have a handful of options to ensure your team's notes are nice and organized.
Category - A note can belong to a single category. These are often used to log the 'type' of communication that's occurred - e.g. note, call, onsite, etc.
Tags - Below the note text field is the ability to add any number of additional tags to associate to the note. This is to narrow down even further aside from categorizing your note.
Creating Note Categories & Tags
How To | How To Visual |
How to create a Note Category or Tag:
Viewing & Filtering Notes
In Vitally, you can view all notes created by your team via a Notes View. Additionally, when on an account's dashboard, the Notes tab there lists just notes for that account.
In both Views, you have the ability to filter notes by your Note columns - e.g. category, tags, created date, etc - as well as by any of your Account columns.
Notes FAQ
Q: Can I auto-create a note via playbook automation?
A: Not at this time. Since Notes are so unique with unique context it would be difficult to auto-create a note
Q: Who is the task assigned to when I embed a task into a Note?
A: Embedded Tasks will be automatically assigned to the note creator, not the template creator.
Q: What notifications will be triggered when I @ mention someone?
A: We'll send them an in-app, email, and Slack notification (if they have each enabled).
Q: I can't find the note I just created under a User
A: You may have not added a participant when creating the Note. Check the Account or recently created Notes, you can always edit it and add the participant so you can find the note under a specific User.