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Default Metrics

An overview of the out-of-the-box metrics Vitally provides for your Customers

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 2 months ago

Account (& Organization) Default Metrics

Account Default Metrics

Default Metric Definitions

Default Metric Visuals

Event Totals

What are Event Totals? As users at your customers generate individual events (e.g. Login, Button clicked, Purchase made), we'll keep track of the total number of times that event has been seen for every customer. We also show a percentage increase/decrease in the event total for the last 30 days compared to the total for the prior 30 days.

Note that you can also report on an account's product event history - see this article for more!

Event Last Seen

What is Event Last Seen? Along with event totals, we also track the last time any user at a customer generated a specific event. Vitally's 'Last Seen' is based on the last timestamp for a tracked event for a user (or any user at an account).

First/last seen Timestamps

What are First/last seen timestamps?

For every account, we track the first and last time any user at the account 'used' your product in a trait under Vitally-defined traits. This is determined using events sent by users. Note that if you are using an analytics service like Segment, we only update these timestamp for new track events and not other API calls like identify, group, or page.

Additionally, Last Seen is also updated from NPS plugin identifying a user.

Active User Percent

What is Active User Percent?

A simple yet critical metric, Active user percent is the percentage of users at each customer that have used your product over the last 30 days. Thus, if your business has a seat-based pricing model, this reports the percentage of licenses active at each customer.

ℹ️ This is calculated strictly based on tracked users in Vitally. If you have licenses that are not being used and no user is being tracked, this calculation will not include those licenses.

Elements Used

What are Elements Used?

Elements allow you to easily track if customers have used the core features of your product. We provide you with a count of the Elements used by each customer, allowing you to easily understand if each customer is setup for success

Account Owner Fields

What are Account Owner Fields?

Vitally also provides default columns and filters for your Accounts that tracks important details about the Account Owner (i.e. the individual user at the account owning the renewal decision), like how often they've communicated with you and used your product. See our documentation on Account Owners to learn more.

Last Sent/Received Message Timestamps

What are Last Sent/ Received Message Timestamps?

If you enable an integration that sends your customer conversations to Vitally (e.g. Gmail, Intercom), we'll track both the last date anyone on your team sent a message to any user at the account as well as the last date any user at the account sent a message to anyone on your team.

Subscription Metrics

What are Subscription Metrics?

  • MRR/ARR: The monthly or annual recurring revenue for the account

  • Next renewal date: The date the customer's current subscription is set to renew

  • Previous renewal date: The date the customer's current subscription previously renewed

  • Trial start & end date: The start and end date for the account's current (or most recent) trial

  • Churn date: The date the customer churned. Note that no one will have this column set to a value unless you are viewing your churned accounts.

  • First date with revenue: The date the customer's current subscription started.

Once you setup tracking of your subscribed customers, Vitally provides a wealth of insight into the customer's current subscription status with your business with these default subscription columns

You can see ARR or MRR in the Account profile. To switch between these, an Admin can go to Settings > Account & Billing > there you can switch between MRR/ARR

User Default Metrics

User Default Metrics

Default Metrics definition

Product Events (Total & Last Seen)

What are Product Events?

As users at your customers generate individual events (e.g. Login, Button clicked, Purchase made), we'll keep track of the total number of times that event has been seen for every customer. We also show a percentage increase/decrease in the event total for the last 30 days compared to the total for the prior 30 days.

Join Date

What is join date? User creation in Vitally, whether manually to synced from an integration.

First/Last Seen Timestamps

What are First/Last seen Timestamps?

For every account, we track the first and last time any user at the account 'used' your product in a trait under Vitally-defined traits. This is determined using events sent by users. Note that if you are using an analytics service like Segment, we only update these timestamp for new track events and not other API calls like identify, group, or page.

Additionally, Last Seen is also updated from NPS plugin identifying a user.


What are Sessions?

The number of unique days for a user where a product event has been tracked

Last sent/received message timestamps

What are Last Sent/Received Message Timestamps?

If you enable an integration that sends your customer conversations to Vitally (e.g. Gmail, Intercom), we'll track both the last date anyone on your team sent a message to any user at the account as well as the last date any user at the account sent a message to anyone on your team.


What is Unsubscribed?

Denotes if the user has unsubscribed from messaging

Last sent email bounced

What is Last Sent Email Bounced? There is a new property on User titled 'Last sent email bounced'. It tracks whether the last email sent from Vitally to the User resulted in a bounce notification (Gmail support only right now) and can be used in playbooks, for example, to exclude users with an email that will bounce.


I'm filtering by First Seen is Not Set but I'm getting incorrect results.

If First Seen has no value, we will fall back to Created At.

When I first connect data to Vitally, how do I set the "First Date with Revenue" trait for my existing customers?

Depends on the source! We look at historical invoices for revenue integrations. For others, it's when they were first moved to 'subscribed'.

Where is Vitally getting the Renewal Date if I'm not tracking a trait in lifecycle tracking?

Renewal date can be manually set, or perhaps it was mapped to a field at one point and then later removed in Lifecycle Tracking. Vitally will never assume a renewal date.

Why is the renewal date red in a table view?
Renewal dates turn red if the current subscription period is over 75% complete. So, for example, if its an annual subscription, it’ll turn red around the 274th day. We calculate this percentage as (Next Renewal Date - today) / (Next Renewal Date - Previous Renewal Date).

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