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August 2023 Releases

Fresh out the oven, check out what's new in Vitally

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 7 months ago

Traits Updates

Expand Cross-Object Reporting with Rollup Traits

Last month we released Calculated Traits to help Vitally users track and analyze customer data over time. We’ve added Rollup fields which make it easy to roll up the Trait from a child Account/Organization to the parent Account/Organization. In addition to this, you can Rollup Traits from native Vitally Objects & Custom Objects to an Account/Organization!

Rollup Traits for easier reporting and expanded variable usage in Vitally

Example Use cases:

  • Rollup a customer’s ARR value from an Opportunity object to the Account for better cross-object reporting in table views

  • Rollup the latest Renewal Opportunity amount & name from an Account to the Organization

  • Rollup the oldest/newest JIRA ticket status from an Account to the Organization

  • Rollup User Traits such as ‘Last NPS Feedback’ to the Account

  • Rollup a Task Trait to the Account to provide another way of documenting data while completing Tasks at the Account level

💡 You can also use Rollup fields to unlock additional Account/Organization Variable options for use in areas like Conversations, Notes, and Docs.

Integration Updates

Sync Users Created in Vitally Back to Salesforce

We now support syncing users manually created in Vitally back to Salesforce! To enable this, navigate to your Integrations -> Salesforce -> Users/Contacts. You’ll see a new field at the bottom where you can select the sync behavior when new users are manually created in Vitally.

Push new users created in Vitally to Salesforce

Note: Support for syncing manually created Accounts/Organizations will follow this release.

REST API Editable Traits & Task updatedAt Enhancements

Previously, only Analytic API Traits were editable. Now, you can edit REST API Traits in Vitally - no need to swap between systems.

A Task updatedAt field will now update when:

  • A Task is added or removed from a Project

  • Tags are added or removed from a Task

  • Traits are added, removed, or updated on a Task

Learn more about exporting Task data from Vitally using our REST API.

Detailed Sync Errors

Instead of “An unknown Salesforce error occurred” for Salesforce Account/Organization push failures, the actual detailed error message will display to make troubleshooting much easier.

Playbook Updates

Additional Context on ‘Start a Conversation’ Action

Go to your Playbook’s history to view detailed conversation logging

Additional logging has been added to the history of the ‘Start a Conversation’ Playbook action. When a Conversation is sent from the fallback sender rather than a Key Role, we will log:

  • When no Key Role was set on the Account/Organization at the time the Outbound message was generated.

  • When the Vitally User assigned to the Key Role did not have a valid messaging Integration at the time the Outbound message was generated.

Additional Updates

Select a TimeZone for More Accurate Revenue Reporting

You can now configure the timezone for ‘Date’ traits when tracking subscriptions, trials, and churn in Vitally. This will allow you to display more accurate revenue reporting within Vitally. To make this update, visit Settings -> Customer Management -> Lifecycle Tracking.

Note: This configuration will show up in Subscription, Trial, and Churn tracking configuration if you select a Renewal Date, Trial End Date, or Churn Date trait type.

Select a timezone for ‘Date’ traits to enable more accurate revenue reporting

Export Conversations to CSV

You can now export your Active Conversations to a CSV. Simply navigate to a Conversations view and select the export button on the top righthand corner.

Bulk Completing Projects

When bulk completing Projects, you will see an additional option to complete the uncompleted Tasks in the selected Projects.

Use this checkbox to complete all incomplete Project Tasks

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