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Configure Data

Configure your organization and the data you are syncing to Vitally to see only what you need!

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over a month ago

Categorizing your Customers in Vitally

Every Account or Organization that you sync to Vitally will be categorized to 1 of 4 of the following statuses:

  • Subscribed - Subscribed customers are your paying customers with a recurring subscription (and thus revenue) with your business.

  • Trials - Customers with access to your product that are not yet subscribed to your business. These should include accounts on a time-constrained trial (e.g. 7-day access) or accounts on a free plan.

  • Churned - Customers that formerly had access to your product but have since canceled their subscription or failed to convert a time-constrained trial.

  • Ignored - Customers you simply do not want to track in Vitally. They can be low-value accounts, test accounts, or anything else.

Learn more about configuring Vitally's Lifecycle Tracking

Invite your team

When you are ready to have other team members join you in using Vitally, you can send out invitations from your Team page, found under Organization Settings.

Learn more about the different User Roles & Permissions and how to Manage Seats

Key Roles Assignment

By assigning Key Roles (e.g Customer Success Manager, Account Executive, Implementation Specialist, etc) to your Accounts in Vitally, your team members will be able to:

  • Switch the "Only show data for your book of business" toggle in a Hub that displays assigned accounts

  • Automatically have tasks and indicators assigned via Playbook automation

  • Automatically have emails sent via Playbook automation

  • Receive in-app and email notifications for their assigned customers

  • And more!

Learn more about Assigning Key Roles


Auto-organize your Accounts, Organizations, or Users into any number of segments, using any data points. You can easily view each segment's accounts, KPIs, and more as you navigate Vitally.

Learn more about Segments

Common ways to segment are:

  • By customer lifecycle stage (ex: Onboarding, Adoption, Renewal, Expansion, etc)

  • By tier, revenue, or plan (ex: Enterprise, MM, SMB, etc)

  • By persona (VP, Director, etc)

Custom Traits

You can also define traits for your accounts and users that are managed exclusively in Vitally. You will want to create any traits that will either not be coming in from other data sources or you will want your CSMs updating within Vitally.

Common custom traits are:

  • Account level: Date field to capture important dates to trigger activity off of (like a QBR date)

  • Account level: Renewal stage, renewal notes, renewal notice sent

  • User level: Level title, champion type

Learn how to create Custom Traits

Success Metrics

Create custom KPIs defined using the data you feed into Vitally and calculated for each of your accounts. This is important to do at the beginning so we can begin calculating and capturing these values on your events.

Learn how to create Success Metrics


Hubs are tailored workspaces within Vitally for organizing your customer data and work. Create Hubs for different teams, customer segments, CS motions, and beyond β€” you can even create personal Hubs to manage your day-to-day work.

Learn more about Hubs

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