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Lifecycle Tracking Overview

An overview of the customer lifecycle in Vitally

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 4 months ago

Lifecycle Tracking Overview

In Vitally, every Account/Organization is categorized into 1 of 4 buckets:

  1. Subscribed

  2. Trials

  3. Churned

  4. Ignored

  5. User Churn (not part of the above but worth a mention here!)

By default, all Accounts and Organizations are subscribed Accounts. Vitally will then check your Trial, Churn, and Account Track rules (under lifecycle tracking) to see if any of those accounts match those rules. If they do, those accounts are then categorized appropriately.

You can set up User Churn rules as well! This is helpful when Users have lost access to your product.

Bucket #1: Subscribed

Subscribed Accounts/Organizations are your paying customers - those with a recurring subscription (and thus revenue) with your business.

Subscribed Accounts/Organizations count towards your total number of billable tracked accounts

Head to our Categorizing Subscribed Customers documentation to learn more!

Bucket #2: Trials

Trials are Accounts/Organizations with access to your product that are not yet subscribed to your business. These should include accounts on a time-constrained trial (e.g. 7-day access) or accounts on a free plan.

Trials count towards your total number of billable tracked accounts

Head to our Categorizing Trials documentation to learn more!

Bucket #3: Churned

Churned Accounts/Organizations are Accounts/Organizations that formerly had access to your product but have since canceled their subscription or failed to convert a time-constrained trial.

Your Vitally plan limits the number of accounts you can track in Vitally but note that you are not charged for churned accounts. However, because we don't charge for churn, that also means we don't store any product events sent by churned accounts.

If a churned account later returns and satisfies your subscribed configuration, we will auto-categorize them as a subscribed customer and will then start tracking their product activity.

Head to our Categorizing Churn documentation to learn more!

Bucket #4: Ignored

Ignored Accounts/Organizations are simply Accounts/Organizations you do not want to track in Vitally. They can be low-value accounts/orgs, test accounts/orgs, or anything else.

Your Vitally plan limits the number of accounts you can track in Vitally but note that you are not charged for ignored accounts. However, because we don't charge for ignored accounts, that also means we don't store any product events sent by them.

If an Ignored Account later satisfies your subscribed configuration, we will auto-categorize them as a subscribed customer and will then start tracking their product activity.

Head to our Categorizing Ignored Accounts documentation to learn more!

User Churn

Auto-identify users that have an active login (i.e. license) to your product vs those that have a deactivated one (and thus can no longer access your product).

Head to our Deactivated Users (User Churn) documentation to learn more!

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