Using Vitally's 'Organization' Object

Vitally's Organization object helps teams create a hierarchy within their customers. It sits above the Account in Vitally and can 'own' any number of Accounts.

Using the Organization Object Overview

Vitally's Organization object is a new concept in Vitally to help teams create a hierarchy within their customers. It sits above the Account in Vitally and can 'own' any number of Accounts.

Fundamentally, the Organization object in Vitally works quite similarly to the Account object - both have similar dashboards, similar lifecycle stages, and both can contain 'work' (i.e. tasks, notes, etc) that your team is performing. The one major difference is that an Account can belong to an Organization, and an Organization can 'own' many Accounts,

Since Organizations own Accounts, in Vitally, you'll see a number of 'rollup' fields at the Organization level that contain summary data for the Accounts underneath them. This allows you to better assess health across Accounts that all belong to the same Organization.

Enabling Organizations

To enable Organizations, it's a quick 3 clicks process!

  1. Navigate to Settings on the top right where your company logo is

  2. Navigate to Customer Management and select Lifecycle Tracking

  3. Toggle the button at the top to enable Organizations

Organization Object: Use Cases

The 'sub product' use case

Let's say your product allows a customer to create 'workspaces'. Product behavior performed within a workspace is isolated to that workspace, and the customer is billed for each workspace. Some examples for this use case: Segment, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc

In this example, it would likely make sense to track the customer at the top-level of Vitally's hierarchy (i.e. Organizations) while tracking each workspace as Vitally accounts. This way, you can more easily see how many workspaces each customer has and watch how those change over time.

The 'enterprise' use case

Let's say you sell to enterprises, and when you do, the enterprise purchases your product with an aim to roll it out across multiple different global offices. Each office has its own administrator (i.e. champion) for your product, and users only access the product being used at the office they belong to.

In this example, it would likely make sense to track the enterprise at the top-level of Vitally's hierarchy (i.e. Organizations) while tracking each office as Vitally accounts.

Additional Organization Object Resources

Organization Object: Supported Integrations & Creating HierarchyOrganization Object: Configuring and Working with OrgsOrganization Object: How to 'Move' an Account to the Organization LevelOrganization Object: Configuring Hierarchy Labels

Last updated