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All CollectionsCustomer LifecycleUsing Vitally's 'Organization' Object
Organization Object: Supported Integrations & Creating Hierarchy
Organization Object: Supported Integrations & Creating Hierarchy
Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 3 months ago

We highly recommend creating your hierarchy within your source of truth (Hubspot, Segment, Salesforce, etc)


You can currently create both levels of the hierarchy (Organizations and Accounts) in Hubspot. Doing so is actually quite straightforward - you simply need to map a Hubspot object into Vitally as the Organization object. Follow our normal Hubspot instructions for Accounts, as the steps are basically identical for Organizations.


You can select the column that references the Organization ID the Account belongs to (only applicable in the Account setup flow when Organizations is enabled).

Once you have configured these settings we will pull in the fields as traits. No additional field mapping is required.


You can currently create both levels of the hierarchy (Organizations and Accounts) in Segment. To do so, there are two requirements:

  1. You must use Segment groups

  2. You must send a group for each level of the hierarchy. Each group needs a trait that identifies the level in some way. For example, pass in a level trait with values for Organization or Account. You can name your traits and values anything - they just need to exist so that our system can parse a group call and understand if it is for the Organization level or Account level.

From here, our team must complete the setup on our end to support your Segment groups and ensure they get routed to the right level. Please contact your Vitally CSM with the information about your group calls and level trait.

How to associate Accounts to Organizations

To associate an Account created by a Segment group to an Organization in Vitally, your group calls should have a trait in them that contains the external ID of the Organization the Account should be associated to. For example, let's say you have an Organization in Vitally with an external ID of org-1 , and Account with external ID account-1 should be associated to that Organization in Vitally . Your group for the account might look something like this:'account-1', {
level: 'Account',
organization: 'org-1'

Once you have this trait in place, contact your Vitally CSM and they can configure your integration to link Accounts to Organizations using this trait.

How to associate Users to Organizations

Users are associated to Organizations via Segment by simply using group calls. Since group calls support a userId, we'll simply auto-associate the User specified in the userId field to the Organization referenced by the group's ID (i.e. the first argument to the group method).


You can currently create both levels of the hierarchy (Organizations and Accounts) in Salesforce. Doing so is actually quite straightforward - you simply need to map a Salesforce object into Vitally as the Organization object. Follow our normal Salesforce instructions for Accounts, as the steps are basically identical for Organizations.

How to associate Accounts to Organizations

When configuring how Accounts map in to Vitally in the Salesforce integration page, there's a question in the Accounts configuration that asks the below:

Here, you'll want to select the Salesforce field on your Account object that contains a 'pointer' (i.e. reference) to the parent object (i.e. the Organization) the Account should be associated to in Vitally. This will ensure the Account is correctly linked to the Organization in Vitally. If the referenced parent object does not already exist in Vitally as an Organization, it will be created.

How to associate Users to Organizations

Similarly to the above, when configuring the User/Contact sync with Salesforce, you'll see this question:

Here, you'll need to select the Salesforce field that contains a pointer/reference to the parent object (i.e. the Organization) the User should be associated to in Vitally.

Data warehouses (Snowflake, BigQuery, Postgres Redshift)

You can create both levels of the hierarchy (Accounts and Organizations) with all our data warehouse integrations. Please see the docs for these integrations to understand how this works here.

Manually creating the hierarchy

You can also manually create every level of the hierarchy directly within the Vitally UI. To do so, either use the Quick Jump window or the global create button in the top left of the UI.

Once your Organizations are created, you'll be able to associate both Accounts and Users to their Organizations when creating/editing the Account/User.

Manually created Organizations, Accounts, or Users do not sync back to your source of truth. If possible, we recommend creating your hierarchy within your source of truth.

Analytics API

You can now create the hierarchy via our Analytics API. Learn more here.


You can create the hierarchy when creating or updating accounts and supplying the organizationId in the "Accounts" or "Users" payload.

CSV Upload

You can create the hierarchy via CSV. Learn what fields are required here.

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