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Google Calendar (Meetings)

Sync Google Calendar events to Vitally as an activity object.

Ray avatar
Written by Ray
Updated over 4 months ago

Meetings Overview

Meetings are 1-way sync between Google Calendar and Vitally to sync calendar events into Vitally! With our Google Calendar integration, calendar events that contain tracked customers will be shown on the Account or Organization 360.

This is especially helpful for Customer Success Managers so they can see customer meetings and join right from Vitally! Within this meeting object you'll see event information like attendees, organizer, and who declined, accepted, or is still pending to the event. Additionally, generate follow-up tasks, track notes, and share Docs with customers for those meetings.

ℹ️ You can not manually create Meetings. Meetings will only be created when they are synced via the google Integration.

Configuring Meetings

We will sync in any meeting with at least one participant who is a vitally user (ie. team member) and one participant who is a user.

ℹ️ If you are tracking internal team members as users (we highly suggest you do not do this) we will bring in meetings from those internal team members. If you find internal meetings in Vitally, odds are that you're tracking internal team members as users.

How to

How To Visual

  1. Navigate to your Account Logo on the top left

  2. Select My Profile

  3. Select Email & Calendar Settings

  4. Choose Google ("Connect your Google account & manage customer emails and events")

  5. Under Calendar, follow the steps to set up your Google Calendar

  6. A list will appear showing the calendars you'd like to sync, scroll through the list to find yours and click add

  7. Select Update Google Config

Viewing Meetings

You can view Meetings in a few different places like Table Views, Dashboards, User 360, Account 360 , Organization 360, and Boards.

Viewing Meetings

Views Visuals

Table View

Create a Table View with all your meetings and add any filters to narrow down what type of Meetings you want to view.


Create a Dashboard to report on meetings. Add filters to narrow down your reporting data such as MRR/ARR or segmentation (segments).

User, Account, and Org 360

View all meetings for a particular User, Account, or Organization in their 360 profile under Meetings.

Meetings Supported Functionality

Other than creating views, you have a few other supported functionality in Meetings such as:

  • Create a Table View or Dashboards of Meetings or will Meeting data

  • View the Meeting Object in a User, Account, or Organization 360

  • Creating calculated traits (ie. account, org, user traits calculated from associated meetings)

  • Ability to add Custom Traits to the Meeting object

  • Use Meetings in Health scores and Indicators, and standardize workflows around Meetings as well as track CSM activity.

  • Taking a Note directly from the meeting (You can create/see a note from a meeting, but cannot access the meeting from the note)

Meetings FAQ

Q: Are Meetings a 2-way sync?

A: Meetings are a 1 way sync so any edits done in Vitally will not sync back to your Google Calendar.

Q: Will recurring meetings sync in?

A: Yes recurring meeting will sync into Vitally. Any edits to the recurring meeting must be made in GCal, those will sync in, too.

Q: How will internal meetings be treated or sync in?

A: We won't sync internal meetings since the integration hinges on finding a vitally customer's email in the meeting.

Q: I deleted a meeting from Vitally by accident, how do I re-sync the data?

A: You cannot “un-delete” a meeting. While this will not delete the meeting in Google, it is permanently deleted within Vitally.

Q: Can I import historical Calendar Events?

A: Currently we support importing up to 2 weeks in the past in the initial sync then we will sync all future meetings.

Q: How can I calculate the duration or average of a Meeting?
A: You can build this using Formula Traits. Using dateDifference, you would just input the start and end values. You could then roll those up to average duration on a dashboard.

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