Customer 360 Overview
This doc outlines everything you need to know about our new Customer 360 experience that allows you to surface information according to how you want to work, while making it easier to standardize information shown across your entire book of business. In it, we cover:
Why should I care about the new 360 experience
What are the differences from the current 360
How can I setup views in the new 360 for myself and my team
Watch the video below for a quick tutorial on the new 360 experience:
What's Changing and Why
Every CS org is unique and has a nuanced approach to how they want to conduct their work. With this in mind, we changed the 360 experience to offer more flexibility and customization to give customers an even more granular level of control over the data being surfaced to their team.
We will be making the new 360 the default experience starting on June 1, but we want to make this transition as smooth as possible, removing as many barriers as possible to adopting the new 360.
The new 360 is an improvement over the old Cards & Decks feature because it allows you to:
Create dashboards and widgets of of any data point including Custom Objects
Customize your sidebar with the account information that's most important
Set your own default view / homepage
Build Calendar views to visualize a timeline of customer activities
Currently we are in a Public Beta period with this experience and we'd love to hear you feedback! Please reach out to set up a call with us or email us your thoughts, questions, or ideas.
Differences From the Current 360
The new 360s allow you to prescribe certain experiences for you team within Vitally, and also affords your users the flexibility to mold the tool to fit their work style.
While Cards & Decks allowed you to display some data, the new 360s allow you to visualize almost anything related to your Accounts, Users, Activities, and Custom Objects. All of the things you were able to visualize with Cards and Decks you will be able to do the same within the new 360, but with much greater flexibility and access to all of the data associated with your customers.
Some highlights include:
Set Admin-defined Recommended Views to prescribe for your team to surface the most important items
Pin key customer data points so you can quickly see information you care about across your book of business
Create custom Table, Board, Calendar, and Dashboard Views in 360s to tailor data based on how you and your team operate. These can be pinned so that they appear across each 360 your team uses
Use global search to quickly pull up information across all Vitally Properties & Traits - we've reorganized objects in the Related Data and All Properties sections. You can now search across all of the relevant properties you have stored on each Organization, Account, and User object
How Do I Get Started?
Enabling the new Customer 360
All users can turn this feature on at their discretion. Here is how to enable it:
Open the dropdown menu from the icon in the top left and select My Profile
Click Experiments
Toggle the Customer 360s to the "on" position
Configuring the New Customer 360
Each individual has the ability to customize their own 360s by pinning the select views that are most important to them. Admins have the ability to customize 360s for their entire organization by creating recommended views while all users maintain the ability to pin their own desired properties as well as create and define their default views.
For more guidance on customization, watch our latest Workshop which covers how you can customize your own 360 experience:
For examples of how you can structure your 360s, watch our Workshop which covers several different use cases:
Recommendations for Admins
We recommend that Admins create and pin their Recommended Views and Default Views. This will ensure that your team has direct access to the pieces of information and objects that you deem most important to your day-to-day operations. Your team will still be able to use their 360s before you configure the experience; however, you can create a much more personalized, guided experience by setting these up beforehand.
Important Callouts
Once you toggle on the new experience, there are a few things to be aware of:
As long as an Admin at your organization has NOT required your entire team to switch over to the new 360 experience, you will be able to toggle back to the legacy experience during the Public Beta period (until June 1).
When the feature is toggled ON for a user, you will lose the ability to create new Decks that appear in 360s. You will still be able to edit your existing decks, but will not be able to create new ones.
When the feature is toggled ON for a user, your Cards & Decks will be copied over from the previous experience. It's important to note that these are copies - if you make changes to your Cards & Decks in the new experience, they will not carry over if you toggle the feature OFF and return to the legacy 360 experience.
In the future, Vitally will be sunsetting Cards & Decks from the Customer 360 experience. We will provide clear communication and expectations to ensure that customers have sufficient time to plan accordingly.
What do I need to do to get back to parity in the 360?
Any Decks that were set as defaults for any existing Segments will show up as Recommended Views in the new 360 experience. If an Admin or Leader removes a Deck from the Recommended Views, it will be permanently deleted.
Re-create your Decks as Dashboards, add charts, custom object widgets, etc, especially Decks that aren't set as Defaults for Segments.
Set your segment default views.
What will be moved over to the new 360?
Any Cards that list out Traits will be added to the Widget Library by default. Some Cards will be available in the new Widget Library (e.g., Health Scores).
What won't move over? What will I have to recreate?
Any Decks that are NOT set as defaults will not be migrated over automatically. Legacy heatmap cards will also not be able to be added to Dashboards.
When will this become the default experience?
Beginning in June 2025, the new 360 experience will be the default for all users.