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A dedicated workspace to gather and share information.

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 3 months ago

Docs Overview

Docs will serve as a dedicated workspace that allows you to collaborate on with your customers or internal team members. Docs provide transparency between you and your customer, the ability to create templates for consistency across team members, and the capability to share with customers to create a more collaborative relationship.

How to Create Docs

You can create Docs manually or automated via a playbook. Below we'll go over how to manually create a Project. If you want to start with a template, read below Docs: How to Create a Template.

You can create a Doc in a number of ways:

  1. Via the Global Create New Button

  2. In an Account or Organization 360

  3. Via a Doc Table View

How To

How To Visual

How to create Docs Via the Global Create New Button:

  1. Select the Create a New button on the bottom left

  2. Select Create a Doc towards the top left

  3. Select an Organization or Account this Doc is for, or if this is a Team Doc

  4. Select a Template if you want to use one

  5. Name your Doc

  6. Select Create Doc

  7. *NEW* add pages for multi-page docs

  8. If you've select a template, you'll see all that data populate and you can update as needed

  9. If you didn't select a template, you'll see a blank Doc to edit

  10. At the top you can add any Tags if applicable

  11. Once you've created your doc with relevant information, you may view the shareable version of the doc by selecting the Play button () on the top right

  12. To share a Doc, simply select the share button on the top right and either invite specific email addresses or make it public. To learn more on sharing read #docs-collaboration-and-sharing

If you need to delete or want to unfollow, select the three dots on the top right.

Adding Commands or Variables

  • A backslash (/) is to add commands like heading, text, bulleted list, etc.

  • A curly bracket or brace ({) is to add in variables at the Organization or Account level like Name, MRR, Churn Date, Number of Users, etc.

Docs Branding

Apply branding and greater personalization settings to your content for Docs ! This will make Docs look and feel more like your brands and less like Vitally's, helping to maintain brand consistency in the experiences that you create for your customers.

There are three things you can do for Docs to use the branding feature:

  • Set a Brand Color in settings - this will be inherited into Docs and Surveys as the color for the primary CTA in the invitation emails. These can be changed at the Doc or Doc Template level.

  • Set a company logo using your organization or your customers' logo in Docs and Surveys. This is supported for Docs, Doc Templates, and Surveys.

  • Upload a custom banner image to your Docs. Access recent uploads to make the entire process smoother when you have many accounts to manage. This is supported for Docs, Doc Templates, and Surveys.

How to Set a Brand Color in Settings

If you're setting up Docs Branding for the first time starting off with your Brand color is your first step. This setting will be used as the default color for calls-to-action in the invitation emails that are sent when a user is shared on a doc, or when they are sent the survey.

Setting the default color for Branding:

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left

  2. Select Account and Billing

  3. Select Edit next to Brand Color and choose your default brand color

    1. You can change the brand color within an individual Doc or Doc Template by selecting Branding on the top right. This button will not show up for customers when the Doc is shared with them.

How to Set a Banner Image in Templates

After setting up your Brand Color, you can add a Banner Image for your Doc Templates. We'll keep the most recently uploaded images to make them a little easier to reference. You'll see recent images that anyone in your org has uploaded, not just you.

How to set up a banner image in a Doc or Doc Template:

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Vitally Objects select Docs then Doc Templates or go to an existing Doc

  2. Select an existing Doc Template or doc, or create a new Doc Template or doc

  3. Select the Branding button on the top right and select Add banner image

  4. Upload your image or go to the recents tab to. We'll keep track of recently uploaded images from anyone in your org.

    1. Images greater than 700px in width work best

  5. If you hover over the banner image in a doc you can select Edit or Move.

    1. If you Edit you can reset (i.e. clear) the image

    2. If you select Move, you can move it vertically. We'll automatically fit it to the width.

How to Set Your Icon in Templates

Lastly, after setting up a Banner Image, you'll set your icon in your Doc Templates. You'll be able to select from 3 options in addition to the original emoji capability.

  1. Use your company's logo

  2. User your Account/Org's logo

  3. Or upload a custom image

How to set up an icon in a Doc or Doc Template:

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Vitally Objects select Docs then Doc Templates or go to an existing Doc

  2. Select an existing Doc Template or doc, or create a new Doc Template or doc

  3. Select the Branding button on the top right and select change icon (or just select the actual icon!)

  4. Choose an emoji or switch to the image tab to select your customer's logo (i.e use the Account's/Organization's logo), or upload a custom image.

    1. Note the option to use your customers logo will be missing if it's a team doc.

    2. The recommended size is 100x 100 pixels.

Branding FAQ

Q: Who can set up default branding? A: Only admins in can set up default branding. Anyone who can create a Doc can change the colors, icon, or banner for individual Docs.

Q: Can I change the to / reply to email? A: Not currently. The sender email / reply to email will be

Q: How can I remove an image from the recent uploads? A: Currently you can not manage recent uploads therefore you can not delete images.

Q: I can't find one of the recent uploads? A: We only display the most recently 9 images, nothing more. It may the 10th image. You'll need to upload the image again.

Q: Can Team Docs be branded? A: Yes, however we do not have the icon setting to use a customer's Logo.

Create Doc Template

Creating a template first to then apply to a doc will be the best workflow. You can create a doc without a template and if that's all you're trying to do, scroll above to Docs: How to Create.

How To

How to Visual

  1. Navigate to your Settings (⚙️) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Vitally Objects select Docs

  2. Then select Templates (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j)

  3. Select New Template on the top right

  4. Add a name and a description for your new doc

  5. Add pages for multi-page docs

  6. Start creating your template!

Adding Commands or Variables

  • A backslash (/) is to add commands like heading, text, bulleted list, etc.

  • A curly bracket or brace ({) is to add in variables at the Organization or Account level like Name, MRR, Churn Date, Number of Users, etc.

Only admins can create templates that are shareable with all team members.

Docs Supported Functionality

Now that you've created your template and/or doc, you can start adding all the necessary information to start building out your shareable, informative doc. Above we went over some of the basic functionality but here we'll take a deeper dive into the commands, variables, and notifications.

Commands and Variables provide you the ability to format text and add important data points to share vital information being tracked in Vitally.

Doc Commands

A backslash (/) is to add commands like heading, text, bulleted list, etc.

In the tabs below you'll find information on:

Formatting Text

Start typing a backslash to be able to format your text. You can add headings, plain text, and, bulleted or numbers lists (don't forget about adding tasks to check off as complete, check out the last tab!).

Embed Media

Embedding Media & Cards

Start typing a backslash to be able to embed an image, file, online media, or account card. Scroll down to read what each embed experience is like.

When selecting a file, you will see a popup to select from your saved files. You can choose from a variety of file types, such as PDF, JPEG, GIF, CSV, etc. These will show up as attached files in your doc.

Ensure you’ve added your file types in your Security Settings under ‘Allowed Attachment Types’.

When selecting an image, you will see a popup to paste an image link or upload an image. You can choose from a variety of file types, such as JPEG. These images will show up in your doc.

When selecting embed online media, you'll be able to embed any publicly accessible URL, including Looker dashboard links. Please note that videos saved on your computer can not be uploaded; all videos must be hosted somewhere, such as YouTube or Vimeo. You can also simply paste or hyperlink the URL!

When selecting cards, you can embed Vitally cards in your Doc! This will give you an even more integrated experience and help unlock the QBR use case.

Embed Tasks and Projects in Docs

You can embed individual Tasks or Projects into an Account (or Org) Doc or Team Doc. Below we dig into embedding each of these objects and some other support functionality like assigning tasks to your customers.

Embedding Tasks in Docs

You can embed individual Tasks into an Account (or Org) Doc or Team Doc. This is how you can assign a task to one of your Accounts (or Orgs)!


Task Visuals

Embed existing tasks

  1. Type a backslash (/)

  2. Scroll down to select Task

  3. Start typing the name of an existing task and select to embed

As long as the task is created and assigned to the same Account you'll see tasks populate as you start typing.

Embed new Tasks

  1. Type a backslash (/)

  2. Scroll down to select Task

  3. Type out your task and press enter

When working with Tasks in a Doc there are 2 different pop-ups:

While you can embed a task that is for an Account (Or Org) in a Team Doc, you can not embed Team Tasks into a Doc for an Account (or Org).

  1. Selecting the Task text will open a pop-up where you can toggle to show to external users, assign to an Account (or Org), provide a 'partner' (a CSM for example), and change the due date.

  2. Selecting the expand arrows icon to the right of the task you'll get the traditional task slide out where you have more information to update like category, tags, blocked by/blocking, etc...

Let's dig into these both a bit more below:

How to

How to Visual

1. Selecting the Task text

When you select the Task text you'll see a pop-up where you can:

  • Complete Task

  • Show to external users or keep it hidden from your customers when they view this doc

  • Assign to yourself/team members or the Account

  • Choose your Customer's Partner (a CSM, Implementation, AE, etc)

  • Add a due date

  • Add external description (give your customer additional context on this task)

2. Selecting the expand arrows icon to the right of the task

Selecting the expand arrows icon to the right of the task you'll get the traditional task slide out where you have more information to update like:

  • Mark complete or delete

  • Change Account/Organization assigned to

  • Update Assigned user

  • Due Date

  • Category

  • Tags

  • Blocked by

  • Blocking

  • Projects

  • Attachments

  • Project Traits

There is also a Docs tab right under the name of the Task where you can manage:

  • Whether to show to customers (external users)

  • Assign to your customer or another team member

  • Navigate to the Doc the Task is embedded in

  • Add an externally visible description of the task

Embedding Projects in Docs

You can embed a Project Template to a Doc template or existing projects that are assigned to the same account the Doc is assigned to. You can not create a new Project in a Doc or a Doc template. Projects can also be assigned to an Account (your customer)!


Projects Visuals

Embed Projects

  1. Start typing backslash (/)

  2. If in a Doc template

    • Scroll down to select Project Template. Project Templates will popuate or you can type a name to narrowly search search for a specific Project Template

  3. If in a Doc assigned to an account

    • Scroll down to select Project. Existing projects will populate or you can type a name to narrowly search for a specific Project

Observers can not create new Tasks or Projects in a Doc

Adding Sections in Docs

You can add a collapsible section into Docs using the /section command. This will create an indented block with a toggle that can be clicked to expand or collapse the section. Any other element can be put inside a section, except for another section.

The “expanded” state of sections in Docs will be saved per user! So if you expand a section, you can expect to see it expanded when you return. To get out of the section, collapse it and then hit enter as normal to add data outside of the section.

Doc Variables in Docs

Variables allow you to add important information from your Organization and/or Account level. You can even configure these to be editable by customers making this a collaborative space!

How To

How To Visual

Using Variables in a Doc

  1. Simply type a bracket ( { ) to get your Org and/or Account variables to populate

  2. Select the variable

    • You can chose to have the current value displayed instead of the recorded value

Trait Permissions: you can configure these traits to be editable by your customer! To do so:

  1. Hover over your variable

  2. A pop-up will appear where you can select or de-select a box to allow invited doc viewers to edit the value

    • If a trait can not be edited, you will not see this option

    • Vitally team member permissions have no bearing, this is only for customers (external users).

Additionally, you can check the option if you want the latest value of the trait to show regardless of where the update was made (whether here in a doc, via a playbook, via integration, or manually)

Doc Comments, @ Mentions, and Notifications

You can add comments or @ mention a team member/customer. This is another way to make this space collaborative and allows you to keep communication centralized. This will trigger a notification to be sent out via email and in-app.

How To

How to Video

Comments are collaborative where you and team members/users can create a thread within the doc.

To start a comment thread:

  1. Hover next to the text where you want to add your comment

  2. A small text bubble will appear to the right

  3. Select the text bubble and add your comment

  4. Once you're done, you can resolve the comment by clicking the check mark on the top right

  5. You can resolve comments by hovering over the comment and selecting the check mark

Notifications will be sent out if:

  • A team member/customer participates in a comment thread and a new reply is added to the thread

  • A team member is following a Doc and a new comment thread is added to the doc

  • A team member/user is @ mentioned in a comment thread

@ mentioning within the doc or a comment thread.

To @ mention someone:

  1. Simply type @ and team members will populates or you can search

  2. If you want to mention a User in the Account, they must first be invited to the doc. You'll then need to type @ and their email address

Notifications will be sent out if:

  • A team member/user has been mentioned in a doc

  • A team member/user has been mentioned in a comment thread

Doc Collaboration & Sharing

Docs are a great space to see who's working in a Doc, who's shared on the Doc, what information is visible to external users, and collaborate with your customers.

Doc Sharing (Inviting)

You can invite specific internal team members or customers to a Doc. Inviting users is easier than ever by being able to invite specific individuals or allowing anyone with a link to gain access to the Doc.

If a Doc is added to a Hub, anyone in that Hub will have access to that Doc.

You have two options on inviting users, whether internal team members or external users:

  1. Invite Only

  2. Public Link

Users who access the Doc via a public link are considered "anonymous", and will not be able to comment or modify any of the data in the Doc.

Below we dig into both of these sharing methods more in depth:

How to

How to Visual

Invite-only Doc

To invite a customer or team member via invite-only to a Doc you can:

  1. Select Share on the top right of your Doc

  2. You'll see a pop up where you can add specific email addresses

  3. You'll be able to select from a drop-down of internal team members and users if this Doc is for an Account.

    • You can also manually add an email address if they're not part of this dropdown list!

When a user is invited to a Doc, they are emailed an invite with an authentication link. There, they can select Accept Invite. Once they accept the invite, they’ll be redirected to the Doc and be able to start collaborating. It’s best to bookmark the webpage so that you can easily access it again.

Not sure if they've accepted the invite? Navigate to the Doc and select Share on the top right. You'll be able to see whether the user has accepted the invite. If 'invite sent' is still present then the user has not accepted this invite yet. If they've accepted you'll see 'invite accepted'.

This link is unique to each user and should be treated like your username & password. The original invite link expires after 14 days. However, if the user requests a new Doc link, it's only valid for one day.

Public Link Doc

To invite a customer or team member via public link to a Doc you can:

  1. Select “Share” on the top right

  2. Select the drop-down at the bottom of the pop-up where you can toggle between External access is invite-only or Anyone with the link can view.

  3. Here is where you can gain access to the link by selecting "Copy Link".

This link is shareable not just by you but by anyone. ANYONE with this link will have access to this Doc.

Working as a Team in a Doc

You can view who is working on a Doc! If you and your team are all working in one Doc, you can all see who is in the doc and where they are.

You’ll be able to see the avatars of users looking at the same Doc in the top-right corner of the screen; hover over to get a full list of names. In addition, if any of your teammates are focused on a certain node of the document, you’ll see the same indicator to the left of that node. This only supports Vitally Users for now; not “External” Users (your customers).

We do not support multiple working on the same Doc at the same time. One user may lose any edits. This is helpful information to know so if one person is already working on a Doc, you don't mistakenly make other edits and possibly cause data to be lost.

Doc Following

Following a Doc is only available for internal team members. So what does following a Doc actually mean? Simply put, you'll get notifications of all new comment threads.

If you've created a Doc, you'll automatically follow the Doc. You can unfollow a Doc by selecting the meatball menu on the top left and select "unfollow".

If you want to follow a Doc, select the meatball menu on the top right and select Follow.

Docs FAQ

Q: Can my customer share that link with their team member?

A: No, those links should only be used by the original invitee.

Q: Does the link sent to my customer expire?

A: Yes! The original invite link expires after 14 days. However, if the user requests a new Doc link, it's only valid for one day.

Q: Do all team members have access to a Doc?

A: Yes, all Team Members will be able to see Docs in Activities and can be @ mentioned, assigned tasks, etc without being invited. Only admins, the creator of the Doc, and invited team members can edit it.

Q: Can Team Members edit a Doc?

A: Yes! Team Members and Observers can edit any Doc they are invited to and share those Docs with other collaborators.

Q: Can I edit a Doc using a Public Link?

A: No, users who access the Doc via a public link are considered "anonymous", and will not be able to comment on the Doc or modify any of the data within it.

Q: How do I allow external users to complete tasks?

A: Click the task within the doc and assign your task to your organization/account.

Q: Can an Observer be @ mentioned?

A: No, observers can not be mentioned.

Q: Can you invite multiple customers from the same Account at once?

A: No, each customer must be invited individually as the invitation email includes a unique URL that serves as a username and password.

Q: What happens if a customer uses a different computer or browser?

A: Simply navigate to the doc URL using the link from the invite email. You’ll then be prompted to put in your email address. If that email address is invited to the Doc, a new invite email will be sent right away!

Q: What happens when a customer shares the Doc with someone who isn't invited/shared?

A: If the document URL is shared with someone that doesn’t have access, they will not be able to see the document.

Q: What is the max file size I can upload in a Doc?

A: 10mb

Q: What is the width and height of the Doc banner?

A: The banner width is 700px and height is 150px.

Q: If I make a Doc public, is this public access read-only, or is there any edit ability?

A: Read-only. That includes comments! Only people who are manually invited can leave comments.

Q: The value of a trait is different in a Doc compared to when I view it in the Account 360?

A: You can check an option if you want the latest value of the trait to show regardless of where the update was made.

Q: What happens when a project template is inserted into a Doc template?

A: Once the Doc is created, we will create the project too.

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