📔January Release Notes

Fresh out the oven, check out what's new in Vitally

January 2024

Key Releases

Boards Enhancements

Create Account or Project Board Views

We’ve released a suite of enhancements to our Boards beta this month!

You can now create a Board View for Accounts or Projects, and visualize them grouped by CSM, by Segment, or by any other Trait in Vitally.

Dragging and dropping an Account or Project from one column to another will change its group — for example, in an Account Board grouped by CSM, drag an Account from one CSM to another to reassign it.

Add Account and Organization display properties to Boards to see parent information on your Project, Task, Custom Object, and Account Boards. These display properties can be distinguished on the Board cards by looking at the labels, and parent columns will be prefixed with the Account or Organization noun.

Resize Columns in Table Views

Drag Table columns to resize them

Columns in Table Views can now be resized to be bigger or smaller depending on what data is displayed.

Hover over the column header and use the handle icon to drag the column to the desired width. To reset the column to its original size, simply double click on the handle icon.

Enable Gmail Signature in Conversations

You can now use your Gmail signature in Conversations sent from Vitally. This will replace any signature defined in Vitally for emails sent via Gmail (if an email is sent from another tool like Intercom, your Vitally-defined signature will be used).

In Email Settings > Gmail, click the checkbox to enable your Gmail signature.

Widget Improvements

We’ve added some improvements to widgets this month! If you have colors set for your custom field display values, we will use them to color widgets on Dashboards, including bar charts. Also, when cloning a widget, any widget result columns that have been set on the original will now appear on the cloned version.

Edit Task Statuses in Tables

You can now edit a Task Status in a Table View via the status cell, and bulk edit Task Statuses from a Table View.

Integration Updates

Clearbit: Enriched Properties

Organization Tables and widgets now support Clearbit enriched properties. Filter by these properties, add or remove columns, and build widgets on properties.

Zendesk: Sync Organizations

Configure Zendesk Organizations to sync to Vitally Organizations instead of Vitally Accounts.

Last updated