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πŸš€ Adoption Goals to Track Usage

Here are a few ways you can leverage goals to ensure your adoption operation is driving the desired outcome.

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 7 months ago


Increasing usage across key personas is important in driving organizational value. Structuring your adoption processes to deliver tailored outcomes to the right people at the right time is critical, but you also need to assess if these efforts are successful.

Below we go over adopting Goals to build out like team activation, active user % target, GTM rollout, etc....

Teamwide Activation

Certain activities within your platform may be more "sticky" than others and you can leverage goals to see if users are engaging with those key features.

Active User % Target

If you track overall monthly active usage of your product you can leverage goals to ensure a critical mass of usage is met & maintained in the first year.

Decision Maker Champion Tracking

Turning decision-makers into champions and creating multiple champions is critical for any CS organization. Leverage goals to track if decision-makers are being identified and turned into champions prior to the review & renewal cycle.

Adoption Campaign

If you use a scaled strategy to drive usage you can leverage goals to track the efficacy of your drip campaigns against the desired adoption outcomes.

GTM Rollout

CS is critical in bringing new products to the market, and you can use Goals to track if new features are being rolled out..

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