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June 2023 Releases

Fresh out the oven, check out what's new in Vitally

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 7 months ago

Integration Updates

HubSpot: Bidirectional Key Role Sync

Vitally Key Roles can now be pushed to HubSpot!

On top of syncing CSM and AE assignments, you can now push any new custom Key Roles you create.

To get started, navigate to your Settings -> Key Roles -> and click ‘Edit’ or ‘New Key Role’. From this window, you’ll see a few options listed under ‘Sync Mode’ where you can choose the type of sync you want to occur. If you map your Key Role to a HubSpot Owner field (i.e., a field that points to a user) then Vitally will give you the option of HubSpot to Vitally Only, Bi-directional, or Vitally to HubSpot Only.

Configure key roles to have a two-way sync by selecting the ‘Bi-directional’ option

Tip: Use our Quick Jump ⌘ + j command to quickly pull up the Key Role settings.

REST API: Custom Object Support

We've added REST APIs for the following Custom Objects endpoints, allowing users to pull and access more data points from Vitally:

  • GET /customObjects/

  • GET /customObjects/:id

  • GET /customObjects/:id/instances

  • GET /customObjects/:id/instances/search

  • POST /customObjects/:id/instances

  • DELETE /customObjects/:id/instances/:id

  • PUT /customObjects/:id/instances/:id

Additional Updates

Organization Conversations Count

Changes over time in “Open Conversations Count” and “Total Conversations Count” at the Organization level can now be used in:

  • Filtering Table Views

  • Defining Organization health scores

  • Viewing Trends in a customer profile

  • Creating Trend Cards

Use increases/decreases in Org-level Conversations over time in your health score calculation

Overall Improvements

We’ve made many enhancements to improve the functionality, user experience, and performance of the Vitally platform this month. If you have any questions, reach out to our team through the in-app chat!

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