Creating opportunity & risk alerts with Indicators
Indicators are automated alerts that detect significant opportunity or risk states customers may transition in to during their lifetime with your product.
Indicators detect significant 'states' customers may transition in to during their lifetime with your product. In Vitally, you can identify Opportunity indicators (e.g. potential upsells, expansions, etc) and Risk Indicators (e.g. churn risks, inactive customers, etc).
Indicators are one of the available actions applied for a Playbook automation. Once Playbook automation creates an Indicator for an account, it can be assigned to a teammate and marked as 'addressed' if the Indicator has been resolved (even if the account still satisfies the Playbook's rules).
Viewing active Indicators
There are several ways to view active Indicators at customers. First, when viewing customers in any view, we'll show a flashing dot next to the customer name if they have any currently active Indicators. You can also easily filter customers down to those with a specific Indicator.
Additionally, you can view a list of all current and past Indicators ever applied to customers by navigating to the Indicators data view. Once there, you'll see a list of all active Indicators, which customer the Indicator is applied to, how long the indicator has been active, and which teammate (if any) is assigned to it. You can even add columns and filters to the list of Indicators here, and save those combinations as views. This way, at any time, you can quickly view Indicators applied to any subset of customers, like those applied to your highest-paying ones (for example).
Finally, click on any Indicator to view further details about the indicator and the account, mark it as 'addressed,' assign another teammate to it, or start a discussion with your team about it.
Managing & addressing Indicators
Marking an active Indicator as 'addressed'
Indicators are resolved in one of two ways:
The customer no longer satisfies the Playbook's rules for the Indicator. All active Indicators are checked every hour to see if the customer still satisfies the Indicator's rules.
A teammate manually marks the Indicator as 'addressed'
Option #2 exists to help you better manage your active Indicators. For example, let's say you have an Opportunity Indicator that detects new trials with at least $1mil in ARR. Naturally, once a new trial signs up that satisfies this rule, it is highly unlikely that customer will dip below $1mil in ARR. But, the goal with this Indicator is to ensure all high-value trials are noticed by your team, so once a teammate has reached out to the new trial, they can put an end to the Indicator by marking it as 'addressed'.
You can 'unmark' an Indicator as addressed, and as long as the customer still satisfies the Indicator's rules, it will be reapplied to the customer.
Discussing Indicators with your team
As your team investigates an active Indicator, they may discover some interesting findings to be shared with the team. With Comments, you can leave comments or questions directly on an Indicator (or any other activity in Vitally), and you can even notify your teammates directly by @mentioning them!
To start a discussion, click into the Indicators details where you'll see a Comment tab. To get a teammate's attention, Simply @mention them, and we'll send them an in-app, email, and Slack notification (if they have each enabled).
Last updated