Step 1 - Connect S3
We'll need these values to connect to your S3 data:
Bucket Name: The S3 Bucket you would like to access.
Prefix: The sub-folder you would like to access (optional).
Region: Your AWS region.
Access Key ID: Username for access to a bucket.
Access Key Secret: Password for access to a bucket.
Step 2 - Configure S3
Map files to Accounts, Users, Organizations, & Events.
Sync and File Selection
After you're connected, the next step to syncing Accounts & Organizations, Users, Events, and NPS is to identify the files you would like to pull into Vitally on each sync.
We will only sync the first 1000 files and they will be selected in alphabetic order
The initial steps are the same for all object types. Simply toggle the sync "on" and either enter a regular expression to choose specific files from your bucket or enter .* to sync all files.
Accounts & Organizations
Choose the column that contains the external ID used for Accounts in Vitally
Select if you would like to Create Accounts from S3 data or that are not representing in Vitally or only Update existing accounts in Vitally
Define the column that contains the name of the Account
(Optional) Select the column that references the Organization ID the Account belongs to (only applicable in the Account setup flow when Organizations is enabled)
Once you have configured these settings we will pull in the fields as traits. No additional field mapping is required.
Choose the column that contains the external ID used for Users in Vitally
Select if you would like to Create Users from S3 data or that are not representing in Vitally or only Update existing Users in Vitally
Select the Account details to associate Users to Accounts
Define additional identifying details for the User
(Optional) Select the column that references the Organization ID the User belongs to (only applicable in the Account setup flow when Organizations is enabled).
Once you have configured these settings we will pull in the fields as traits. No additional field mapping is required.
Define the column contains the Unique ID of the NPS response
Define the column that contains the external ID of the User who submitted the response
Define the columns that contains the NPS score, Feedback Provided, and Timestamp of the response date.
Any additional fields in the file will be ignored and will not be pulled into Vitally.
Choose the ID of the object you want to relate the Event to. If the Event is for a user, enter a column to map for User ID, etc. Only one of these three should be selected
Choose the column mapped to the Message ID. This should be unique per event
Choose the column mapped to the timestamp of the event
Choose the column mapped to the type of event (like User Deactivated)
Step 3 - Sync S3
Select how often you would like to sync data from S3 into Vitally. You can sync data every 6, 12, or 24 hours. After updating the sync schedule we will run an initial sync and each subsequent one will run with the chosen interval.
Q: If I delete a file in our S3 bucket, how will that affect data in Vitally?
A: The data would just become stale, it will not be deleted from Vitally.