Enabling the Zapier integration
To enable the Zapier integration, navigate to Settings -> Integrations -> Zapier in your Account Settings (get there via Quick Jump). Once you click the switch in the top right, you'll be provided with an API key to use with Zapier:
Within Zapier, start by creating a Zap, then choose the Vitally app and your desired event. You'll be prompted to connect your Vitally account, which you can do with the API key in the integration settings page above:
Zapier triggers
At Vitally, we are constantly growing the list of trigger events we support for Zapier. We currently support the below. If you think something is missing, let us know!
Customer Created - Triggers when a new customer (i.e. account) is created in Vitally
Organization Created - Triggers when a new organization is created in Vitally
Task Created - Triggers when a task is created in Vitally
Task Completed - Triggers when a task is completed in Vitally
Note Created - Triggers when a note is created in Vitally
Project Created - Triggers when a project is created in Vitally
Project Status Changed - Triggers when a project status is changed in Vitally (i.e. On Track to Behind)
Customer Entered Segment - Triggered when an account first enters a segment
Customer Exited Segment - Triggered when an account exits a segment
New Active Indicator at Customer - Triggers when an indicator is activated for an account
Indicator Instance No Longer Active - Triggers when an indicator is no longer active at an account
NPS Response Created - Triggered when a new NPS response is created in Vitally
Custom Object Instance Created - Triggers when a custom object instance is created in Vitally
Custom Object Instance Updated - Triggers when a custom object instance is updated in Vitally
Zapier actions
At Vitally, we are constantly growing the list of actions we support for Zapier. We currently support the below. If you think something is missing, let us know!
Find an Organization - Find an Organization in Vitally by an ID or by name
Update Organization Trait - Add or update a set of traits for an organization in Vitally
Add Customer to Segment - Add an account to a segment
Find a Customer - Find an account in Vitally by an ID or by name
Update Customer Traits - Add or update a set of traits for an account in Vitally
Find a User - Find a user in Vitally by an ID, name, or email
Update User Traits - Add or update a set of traits for an user in Vitally
Custom Objects
List Custom Objects - List all available custom objects
Get Custom Object - Retrieve a custom object by name
Find a Custom Object Instance - Find a custom object instance by ID, externalId, organization, customer, or trait value
List Custom Object Instances - List all available custom object instances
Create a Custom Object Instance - Create a custom object instance in Vitally and attach it to a customer or organization
Update Custom Object Instance Traits - Update traits for an existing custom object instance in Vitally
Create a Task - Create a new task in Vitally
Find a Task - Find a task by ID, externalId, organization, customer, or trait value
Create a Note - Create a new note in Vitally
Find a Note - Find a note by ID, externalId, organization, customer, or trait value
Create NPS Response - Log a new NPS response in Vitally (e.g. from Delighted, AskNicely, etc)
Create Message - Create a new message in Vitally (e.g. from Drift, Front, etc)
Tracks / Events
Create Track - Create a new track event (e.g. "button clicked") in Vitally
Find an Event - Finds a previously-created product event (e.g. "button clicked") by name
Create Project from Template - Create a new project in Vitally from a template
Update Project Status - Update an existing projects status
Find a Teammate - Find a teammate with a Vitally profile by email
Update Customer Traits - Update an Account level trait value
Update Organization Trait - Update an Organization level trait value
Update User Trait - Update a User level trait value
When updating a multi-select trait, it expects an array formatting. The values must include the square brackets, quotes around the values, and comma-separated. For example:
single value:
["green", "red"]
Zapier FAQ
Q: I'm getting an error in Zapier
A: Always ensure you have a Find a Customer in Vitally action step. It's required to find the customer to associate your activity in the right place. Additionally, use ID and not External ID in that Find a Customer in Vitally step!