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Enrich your Vitally account profiles with dozens of extra traits provided by Clearbit

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 4 months ago

Clearbit Overview

Vitally's native integration with Clearbit adds dozens of helpful data points to your trials and customers (see below for a full list). Like all data points tracked for your accounts, you can use our powerful filtering capabilities to filter accounts using these new fields. Using our trial qualification feature, you can also use Clearbit's data to auto-identify new trials in your target market.

Enabling the Clearbit integration

Enabling the Clearbit integration simply requires an active Clearbit account and access to your Clearbit (secret) API key. Once you have that, navigate to your Settings (βš™οΈ) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Operations select Integrations. Then select Clearbit (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j). Once there you'll be able to toggle on Ckearbit and you'll be asked for a Clearbit API key which can be found in your Clearbit dashboard:

Clearbit traits added to your accounts

If your Vitally account has enabled the Clearbit integration, then as Vitally tracks your accounts, we'll automatically 'enrich' each with these traits:

Location (for the customer's headquarters)

  • City

  • State

  • Country


  • Dollar amount of capital raised

  • Annual revenue (available for public companies only)

  • Estimated annual revenue (within a range)

  • Market cap

  • Number of Employees

  • Number of Employees (within a range)

  • Alexa rank (global)

  • Alexa rank (US)


  • Twitter handle

  • Number of Twitter followers

  • Number of Twitter following

  • Facebook handle

  • Number of Facebook likes

Industry & Company information

  • Company type (i.e. public, private, non-profit, etc)

  • Sector, Industry group, Industry, and Sub-Industry (see this for a complete list)

  • Year the company was founded

  • Tags (see this for a complete list)

  • A list of technology used by the company (see this for a complete list)

Enrichment process

We cannot guarantee that every account will be accurately enriched with these traits. When attempting to enrich an account with Clearbit, we follow this process:

  1. First, we look for a website trait in the account's traits. If you want to improve the likelihood that we'll enrich your accounts accurately, track this trait alongside your accounts via your preferred analytics service.

  2. We'll then look for the most common email domain used by the account's users. If we can determine the email domain is valid (i.e. not a free one like Gmail), we'll use that to enrich the account.

  3. Last, we'll attempt to enrich the account using their name.

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