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Bi-directionally sync your Jira Issues as Custom Objects to seamlessly manage and track issues between Vitally and Jira.

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 4 months ago

Jira Overview

Vitally's Jira integration allows you to sync Jira Issues as Vitally Custom Objects bi-directionally. You can create new Jira Issues in Vitally, update existing ones, and sync them back to Jira. You can create a Table View or view them in Account 360s to keep up to date on any Jira Issues right within Vitally.

We will import the last 12 months of Jira Issues on the initial integration.

The Reporter field in Jira is assumed to hold internal user email addresses. If you are adding end-user email addresses to this field, we will auto-create internal users from those email addresses.

Enabling and Configuring Jira


How-To Visual

  1. Navigate to Settings (βš™οΈ) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Operations select Integrations

  2. Then select Jira (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j) to enable

  3. Enter your Jira base URL. To find this, access any Jira ticket and copy the URL up to and including "" (e.g. "")

  4. Paste this into Vitally and click the Set Base URL button to proceed

  5. Click Connect to Jira to be redirected to the Jira Marketplace

  6. Click Get it now and then Get started to install the Vitally App in your Jira instance. A Jira Admin may need to approve the Vitally app installation to continue.

  7. Click the head back over to Vitally link to start configuring what data to sync

Now you can start adding your Jira Issues on the Vitally configuration Jira page:

  1. Select Add a new Custom Object

  2. Provide JQL to specify the type of issues you want to track. JQL validation will occur before you proceed with the configuration steps.

    • In Jira, search for all Issues you want to track based on the project key and not project name. Copy your JQL query

    • Paste that JQL query in Vitally under "Please enter valid JQL."

  3. Name the Issues you want to track, such as "High Priority Bugs"

  4. Specify which traits have Customer information, like Organization, Account, or User external ID. While all external ID fields are optional, you must at least configure one External ID Property. See the FAQ below for what field types are supported as External IDs.

    1. We first try to link Issues via an Account or Organization external ID, if that is unsuccessful we try by User external ID, if that is still unsuccessful we try user email (if present)

    2. If the mapped external ID property contains multiple IDs on a single Issue, the Jira issue will be linked to all listed customers (Organizations, Accounts, or Users) in Vitally.

  5. Select which team members will have permission to create new Jira Issues in Vitally and sync them back to Jira.

    1. To create new Jira Issues in Vitally, you should link via Account or Organization ID

  6. Now you can select the traits (fields) that you want to pull into Vitally, such as Issue Type, Priority, Status, etc; and set the relevant editing permissions

    1. If you select 'no one' to allow edits, that means Vitally can't make updates. Updates can only be done in Jira.

  7. Repeat steps as necessary until all desired Jira Issues are configured to sync into Vitally!

When issues no longer match the JQL filter criteria, they become stale within Vitally. Vitally will archive these issues within 24 hours.

Jira: Errors and Troubleshooting

If you are unable to complete the Jira installation due to an error, you can follow the troubleshooting steps below to re-install the Vitally app. If any errors persist, please reach out to our Support team via the in-app chat or!

  1. Open Jira and navigate to Apps > Manage your apps

  2. In the User-installed apps section, expand the Vitally app

  3. Click Uninstall

  4. Follow the Enabling and Configuring Jira steps above to re-install the Vitally app

Jira FAQ

Q: Is Jira bi-directional?

A: Yes! you can create new Jira issues in Vitally, update existing ones, and sync them back to Jira.

Q: Do these roll up to the Account & Organization level?

A: Yes!

Q: Can I include more than one project in one JQL filter?

A: No, it's only one project per a JQL filter. If you wish to add in further projects via another JQL filter, then you would need to create a new custom object where an additional JQL filter can be applied.

Q: What Jira field types can I use as an External ID property?

A: Text, Numbers, Select List (multiple choice), Select List (single choice), or Document

Q: An auto-created User is appearing in Vitally from a Jira ticket, why is this?

A: If a User is set as the Reporter on the Jira ticket, they will be created as an auto-created User in Vitally.

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