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Sync your Chargebee customers and their revenue data to Vitally in real time with our Chargebee integration

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 4 months ago

Chargebee Overview

Vitally's Chargebee integration can be used to sync the following Chargebee data into Vitally in real time:

  • Customers - Vitally can import your Chargebee customers into Vitally as accounts. When done, we'll add a wealth of new Chargebee-defined traits to your Vitally profiles, such as the expiration of the customer's credit card, the plans they are subscribed to, and much more!

  • Revenue data - Vitally also imports your historical paid invoices from Chargebee so that you have immediate, accurate insight into the purchase history of every account in Vitally.

Enabling the Chargebee integration

To enable the Chargebee integration, navigate to your Settings (βš™οΈ) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Operations select Integrations to find Chargebee (or via Quick Jump). Once you click the switch in the top right, you'll see a few options:


This is the site you claimed when creating a Chargebee account and forms the prefix of your dashboard URL:


This is the secret key Vitally will use to request access to your Chargebee data. Read below for instructions on how to create this key.

Creating your Chargebee API key

In Chargebee, navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee and click on "API keys and webhooks." Then, click "Add API Key".

Create a Read-Only API Key with restricted access to transactional data in your production Chargebee project to use with Vitally.

Copy the API Key from your Chargebee settings to the Vitally integration form and click "Submit."

Configure Chargebee

Now that we have access to your Chargebee Customers and Subscriptions, select if customers may potentially have multiple active subscriptions, and configure the customer ID and customer name fields to ensure Vitally correctly imports & syncs your Chargebee data.

Customer ID trait: Select the Chargebee field that specifies the external ID for the account in Vitally. Note that the ID you select here must match the ID you use to identify your customers across integrations. If the IDs do not match, we will not be able to associate them and you may see duplicate customers.

Create a Chargebee Webhook to sync changes in real-time

In order to continue to receive updates from Chargebee, you'll need to create a new Webhook. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee and click on "API keys and webhooks."

Select the "Webhooks" tab and click "Add webhook". Copy the three provided values from Vitally:

  • Webhook URL

  • Basic authentication username

  • Basic authentication password

And that's it! Vitally will now receive real-time updates from Chargebee on changes to your customers, revenue, and subscriptions.

What data will Vitally import from Chargebee?

Vitally will import the following traits from Chargebee for all integration configurations:

Chargebee Customer

Customer ID



Created Date



Chargebee Card

Card Expiration

Card Status

If 'Single Subscription' was selected within the configuration, the following traits will be imported from Chargebee in addition to the 'Chargebee Customer' and 'Chargebee Card' data listed above:

Single Subscription

Billing Period

Billing Period Unit

Cancelled At

Cancel Reason

Contract Term Billing Cycle

Contract Term Cancellation Cutoff Date

Contract Term End

Contract Term End Action

Contract Term Remaining Billing Cycles

Contract Term Start

Contract Term Total Contract Value


Current Term End Date

Current Term Start Date

Last Invoice ID (last paid invoice)

Last Invoice Paid At (last paid invoice)

Last Invoice Status (last paid invoice)

Last Invoice Total (last paid invoice)


Pause Date

Plan ID

Resume Date


Subscription ID

Subscription Plan Amount

Subscription Plan Quantity

Subscription Add Ons

Trial Start

If 'Multiple Subscriptions' was selected within the configuration, the following traits will be imported from Chargebee in addition to the 'Chargebee Customer' and 'Chargebee Card' data listed above:

Multiple Subscriptions


Last Invoice IDs

Last Invoice Totals

Subscription IDs

Subscription MRRs

Subscription Plan IDs

Subscription Statuses

Subscription Paying Count

Subscription Trialing Count

Subscription Churned Count

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