Several things can lead to a customer escalation, but regardless of the source, it is important to drive visibility and internal alignment to act upon and resolve them. This use case walks through how to create escalations in Vitally alongside your other customer data to bring more insight and invite internal collaboration to ensure a successful resolution.
Use Case Overview
An escalation process can be created in four steps:
Define a Custom Object to Represent Escalations
Configure Fields & Layouts on the Escalation Object
Create Account Rollup Traits for Visibility
Track Escalation Progress & Impact With Dashboards
Watch the video below to see the entire build-out:
How to Build It
Step 1: Define an Escalation Custom Object
The first step is to create or define the custom object so it lives as an object in Vitally. Doing this allows for multiple escalations associations per account, which is important because they likely need to be managed and tracked separately.
We recommend calling it Escalation, but feel free to name it accordingly.
Watch the buildout of Step 1: Define an Escalation Custom Object
Step 2: Configure Object Fields & Layout
Now that the escalation object has been defined create the fields that will be updated each time an escalation is filed. Feel free to add any fields you would like, but we recommend including the following:
Field Name | Description | Sample Inputs |
Type | Why the escalation exists | Help Needed, Churn Risk, Visibility |
Category | What the escalation is related to | Product, Services, Partnership, Externalities |
Description | Text summary of what led to escalation | NA |
Relevant Links | Any supporting links | NA |
Status | Current standing of the escalation | Open, Working, Done |
Steps to Resolve | Test summary of what needs to happen for resolution | NA |
After configuring fields, also make sure to edit the layout to ensure all fields are displayed and ordered.
Step 3: Create Account Rollups
You may want to sum all open elections at the account level to report on this or add this to a health score. This is easy to accomplish with custom-calculated traits.
We recommend creating two custom rollup traits:
Trait Name | Description |
Open Escalations | Sums all escalations where the status does not = complete |
Urgent Escalations | Sums open escalations where the urgency = churn risk |
Step 4: Track Escalation Progress & Impact
Defining an escalation object means team members can now create unique escalations on customer accounts. These escalation instances can be visualized alongside your other customer data to look at open escalations by renewal date or ARR exposure by escalation type with dashboards. You can target the escalation object when building out widgets on a dashboard.