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REST API Overview
Ray avatar
Written by Ray
Updated over 2 months ago

API Overview

The public Rest API currently supports creating, updating, retrieving and listing Users, Accounts, Conversations, Tasks, Notes and NPS Responses.

It uses an API Key header for authentication.

List endpoints use cursor-based pagination, ordered by updatedAt (the default) or createdAt.

All REST API Activity Object requests include parent object details in the payload. For example, a request to GET a Task will also returns the associated Account information.


The authentication is passed via the Authorization header on every request.

Keys can be created in the Vitally UI by navigating to your Settings (βš™οΈ) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Operations select Integrations. Then select Vitally REST API (or via Quick Jump Mac: ⌘ + j Windows: Alt + j) . Toggle the switch on the top right to enable the integration which is where you can obtain either the Secret Token or the Basic Auth Header for use in requests.

For security purposes they can be rolled (a new key will be generated) or deleted.

Request Headers

The Authorization header format is basic auth, using the API Key as the username.

  • Authorization: Basic c2VjcmV0X2tleTo=


The default rate limiting is set at 1000 requests / min using a sliding window. Headers returned on every request will show the total limit, the requests remaining for the current window, and the number of seconds until the earliest request leaves the window.

Response Headers

  • RateLimit-Limit: 1000, 1000;window=60

  • RateLimit-Remaining: 999

  • RateLimit-Reset: 59


Status Codes

  • 400 - Bad Request - The body of the request needs to be reviewed

  • 401 - Unauthorized - There is an issue with the authorization used (Secret Token/Basic Auth Header)

  • 429 Too Many Requests - There are too many requests being made within the allotted timeframe (e.g. over the 1000 requests/min)


All paginated endpoints use cursor based pagination.

In addition to an array of results, the response will return a next property which can be used to access the subsequent page. The next property will be null when the end is reached and there are no more pages.

Unless specified otherwise, all List endpoints paginate sorted by updatedAt descending.

Query Params






(optional) The number of items to return. The max/default is 100



(optional) The cursor returned from a previous request


"createdAt" | "updatedAt"

(optional) How to order the elements returned. The default is "updatedAt".

If you are frequently sending data to Vitally and your data may update at any time, setting sortBy to "createdAt" will ensure you return a full list every time.

Response Body






Any array of the items for that endpoint.


string | null

The cursor to use for the following page, if any.

Example response

With more results:

GET /endpoint?limit=100
"results": [...],
"next": "c29tZWJhc2U2NA=="

At the end:

GET /endpoint?limit=100&from=c29tZWJhc2U2NA==
"results": [...],
"next": null

HTML Fields

Fields that are editable in Vitally as rich text (Notes, Tasks) share the same set of supported tags and attributes. Any tags or attributes not in the allow list will be stripped out when creating or updating.


<a>, <img>, <p>, <div>, <br>, <ul>, <ol>, <nl>, <li>, <b>, <u>, <i>, <strong>, <em>, <code>





href, name, target


src, alt, width, height

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