
Sync your Amplitude users and tracks to Vitally with our Amplitude integration


Vitally's Amplitude integration can be used to sync the following Amplitude data into Vitally:

  • Users - Vitally imports your Amplitude user profiles into Vitally as users. The entire user object, including all your Amplitude traits, will be attached to your Vitally user profiles

  • Tracks - Vitally imports your Amplitude tracks into Vitally as product events. The entire track object, including any event properties, will be imported.

Enabling the Amplitude integration

To enable the Amplitude integration, navigate to Settings -> Integrations -> Amplitude -> Toggle to turn it on (get there via Quick Jump). Once enabled, follow these steps:

  1. Input the Amplitude Group Type that represents the Account relationship

    • To find your available Group Types: In Amplitude, navigate to Users & Sessions > Accounts > all available groups can be seen in the All groups dropdown. In the below example we're defining the Playlists group as our Account Group Type

    • Now back in Vitally's Amplitude configuration page you can define the Customer Group Type. Continuing to use the above example, we've input "Playlists"

  2. If applicable, configure Organization Group Type using the same process as step 1 (Please note Organization Group Type should be different than your Customer Group Type).

  3. Input the optional user properties that define the user's name & email:

    • If you do not want to sync Amplitude users or user tracks, skip to step 4. If you want Amplitude users and user-level tracks to sync Vitally, continue below!

    • To find your User name & email fields, you'll navigate to your Amplitude, then navigate to Users & Sessions > User Look-Up > locate a user > under User Properties, find the desired fields. In the below example, the customers name and the customers email are the field names for name & email, respectively.

    • Now back in Vitally's Amplitude configuration page you'll define the user's name & email. Using the above example, we've input "the customers name" and "the customers email" as these fields:

  4. Save your changes. You'll see details that you'll need to now configure in Amplitude.

  5. Using the displayed details, navigate to Amplitude to configure a Webhook destination for Events & User Properties (To get there in Amplitude navigate to Data > Catalog > Destinations > Webhook Events/User Properties)

Be sure to select the Webhook destination for Events & User Properties - Vitally does not currently support Cohorts

  1. Provide a meaningful name for your Webhook destination. We've used Vitally Integration in our example:

  1. Go to Integrations > Analytics API > Integrate via HTTPs API in Vitally and find your API URL and API KEY. Then in your Webhook configuration in Amplitude:

    1. Insert your API URL into the Webhook URL field.

    2. Provide the Authorization credentials. Use Basic API KEY for the Authorization header.

    3. Ensure that Send Events is enabled and choose Send Amplitude's default payload.

    4. Select the specific events you wish to import into Vitally.

    5. Enable Send Users and choose Send Amplitude's default payload.

  1. Finally, Trigger a few events from Amplitude and head back over to Vitally to wait for the page to show we've successfully received your webhooks! You should see a confirmation pop up like below:

Test connection

  1. Copy one of these request payloads and replace the values with anything you want.

Payload (user_properties)

In these examples, the configuration of the Customer Integration is set to take data from the key user_properties .

// Identify event payload example 1
  "user_id": "Bill Shankly",
  "event_type": "Test event",
  "event_time": "2024-06-10 09:38:11",
  "data_type": "identify",
  "amplitude_id": "liverpoolFC",
  "user_properties": {
    "username": "Bill Shankly",
    "email": "",
    "path": "Reebok"

// Example 2
  "user_id": "Mikel Arteta",
  "event_type": "Test event",
  "event_time": "2024-06-11 19:38:11",
  "data_type": "event",
  "amplitude_id": "arsenalFC",
  "user_properties": {
    "username": "MikelArteta",
    "email": "",
    "path": "Puma",

Payload (groups)

In these other cases, the configuration points to the key groups. In spite of this, the username and email information are always taken from user_properties.

// Identify event payload example 1
  "user_id": "Bill Shankly",
  "event_type": "Test event",
  "event_time": "2024-06-10 09:38:11",
  "data_type": "event",
  "amplitude_id": "liverpoolFC",
  "groups": {
	  "accountGroupType": "accountExternalId1",
	  "organizationGroupType": "organizationExternalId1",
  "user_properties": {
    "username": "Bill Shankly",
    "email": "",
    "path": "Reebok",
    "accountGroupTypeAsUserProperty": "accountExternalId1"

// Example 2
  "user_id": "Mikel Arteta",
  "event_type": "Test event",
  "event_time": "2024-06-11 19:38:11",
  "data_type": "event",
  "amplitude_id": "arsenalFC",
  "groups": {
	  "accountGroupType": "accountExternalId2",
	  "organizationGroupType": "organizationExternalId2",
  "user_properties": {
    "username": "MikelArteta",
    "email": "",
    "path": "Puma",
    "accountGroupTypeAsUserProperty": "accountExternalId2"
  1. On the Amplitude settings page, click “Test connection”.

  1. On the “Sample Event Payload” section, paste the request payload of the step 1. Click on “Send Test Event”. After this, you should see a success message like the image:


Sometimes the request may take longer than usual, so you may have to wait a while to get results in Vitally.

  1. Check if the data introduced on Vitally through this event is correct. To do this, return to “My Account”.

  1. Search for the account you just created. Click on it, and you’ll see the customer along with it’s associated user.

If you have reached this point, congratulations! You have performed a successful data synchronization.

Ignoring Events

In many cases it is not feasible to manually add each specific event type you want sent to Vitally. For this reason, you may find yourself importing all events and end up with a lot of non-relevant data in Vitally. To solve for this you will want to "ignore" any events you don't want to track in Vitally.

There are two benefits to "Ignoring" an event:

  1. Keeps your event list cleaner in the UI as there will be fewer data to sift through.

  2. This enables us to process your data as quickly as possible as we are not processing data that is not relevant to you.

To update an Event Status go to: Settings > Events > Status column


Q: Is Amplitude bi-directional? A: Amplitude is not bi-directional.

Q: Is it possible to sync only Account-level tracks from Amplitude to Vitally? A: Yes. To sync Account-level tracks only, leave the User name and User email fields blank in Vitally.

Q: Can Amplitude be update only? A: Yes, please reach out to

Last updated