Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an easy way to add security to your account and protect your data. We recommend it for all Vitally users.
If your team has enabled SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) to secure your Vitally logins, 2FA will be disabled in favor of the SSO option.
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication
2FA can be enabled either by a user on their own Vitally profile or set by an admin as a requirement for all Vitally users.
2FA for Individual Users
As an existing Vitally user, you can enable 2FA to secure your Vitally profile.
Navigate to your Profile by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and select My Profile.
Scroll down to the Login section and select Add a Two-Factor Device
Confirm your current Vitally password to proceed
Using an authentication application of your choice such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy, scan or type in the setup code displayed and enter two consecutive authentication codes when they appear on your device.
The next time you log out and log back into Vitally, you will be required to enter your 2FA code to log in.
Require 2FA for All Users
Turning on 2FA as a requirement for all users is a great way to secure your team's data in Vitally.
Navigate to your Settings (βοΈ) by selecting your Account Logo on the top left and under Operations select Security
Select the Required option under Two-Factor Authentication
As new members are invited to join Vitally, they will be prompted to enable 2FA when creating their profiles.
All active members of your organization must individually enable Two-Factor Authentication before requiring it across your organization. You can view which users still need to configure their device under your Team settings
Q: My 2FA is not working and I'm unable to log in
A: We don't manage the app you're using for 2FA so we're limited in how we can support you. The only thing we can do is reset your 2FA, allowing you to set it up as new.