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Using Playbooks to Follow Up on Conversations (drip campaigns)
Using Playbooks to Follow Up on Conversations (drip campaigns)

Learn how to configure the behavior of playbook delays, ensuring follow-up messages are sent as intended.

Laura Bedoya avatar
Written by Laura Bedoya
Updated over 2 months ago


This playbook is designed to follow up with users who haven’t responded to a conversation in X amount of days.

Solutions for the Problem

Utilize the Wait action in your playbook before entering a branch:

  • Add a wait rule in your playbook after the conversation action

  • Follow it up with a branch that determines if the recipient has replied to the conversation

  • Send a reply email if their last conversation was not replied to or opened or if the NPS Survey has not been responded to within a few days.

Step-by-Step Solutions

  1. Add a Wait Rule to your Playbook

    1. Determine the number of days you like to wait

    2. Click the + after the Start a conversation action to add a new step in the Playbook

    3. Select Rules

    4. Select Wait and then configure your delay to wait until specific rules are met

    5. Add an action filter that targets the conversation preceding the wait rule, then save your changes

  2. Next, add a Split Rule to follow up with non-responsive users

    1. Click the + after the Wait rule to add a new step in the Playbook

    2. Select Rules

    3. Select Split into paths and configure your branches

    4. For one branch, use the action filters to separate those who have not replied to/opened/completed the NPS survey

  3. Add a Reply to a Conversation Action

    1. To the no response branch (from step 2), select the + to add a new action

    2. Select the Reply to a conversation action

    3. Target the original conversation using the unique ID displayed on that step in the Playbook


How is the delay calculated in the playbook?

Playbooks start counting from the moment a user enters the Wait rule. For example, a Playbook activated on Monday will send follow-ups on Thursday if a 2-day delay is configured.

What happens if I modify and reactivate the Playbook?

Users already enrolled will continue from their current step in the playbook. Here is a pop-up you'll see when editing a playbook!

How do I check where users are in the Playbook?

Select the clock icon on the top right to see active and closed users in the Playbook to see their current position in the journey and any actions that were applied.

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