Problem Description
A Playbook is used to add an account to a Segment in Vitally, but there is no straightforward way to track when the Segment was applied. Spoiler alert: you'll need to do this via a playbook and a custom trait. Read this article to find out how to configure this.
Step-by-Step Solutions
1. Create a custom Datetime Trait
To create a custom datetime trait
Navigate to your Vitally Settings page, hover over the hierarchy object you want to create the trait for, and select traits
Select the blue Create custom trait button
Set their data type to "Datetime" for proper tracking
Give the trait a meaningful name, like "Entered Onboarding Segment"
Save the trait
2. Add a Step to your Playbook to Update a Trait
Open the Playbook that handles the Segment activity
After the "Add Account to a Segment" step, add a new step:
Select "Update an Account Trait" as the action
Select your new custom datetime trait
Set the Value to A relative date > 0 days after this action executes
Select Nothing - maintain its current value as the undo strategy
Save the action to your Playbook
Additional Tips
Use a datetime trait: Ensure the trait is a datetime and not a date trait to ensure accuracy
Automate Other Playbook Steps: Use similar methods to record timestamps for other account activities if needed.
How does the “Update an Account Trait” step work?
This step allows you to update specific account traits (e.g., PoC start date) with a custom value, such as the current timestamp.
What if timestamps don’t update properly?
Ensure the Playbook step is configured to update the correct trait and that the Playbook action triggers at the appropriate time.
Can I use this method for other activities?
Absolutely. This approach can be adapted to track timestamps for any activity managed through Playbooks.